Alexander Chouker

Alexander Choukèr is associate professor of Anesthesiology and has been leading inter-disciplinary teams for clinical and experimental research as well as in the field of spaceflight related investigation on earth (MARS500, bedrest, high continental Antarctica) and in space (ISS). He received his medical and immunological training at the LMU and at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bethesda/USA, respectively. His research helped to unveal in vivo the role of hypoxia, preconditioning and adenosine dependant immune modulations. He was awarded the John E. Fogarty grant at the NIAID and received the Albrecht-Ludwig-Berblinger-Award for his work on the interaction of exercise, hypoxia and immunity. He is the coordinator of the Topical Team “stress challenges and immunity in space” and chairs the ESA life sciences working group (LSWG) since 2010.