Miro Vrhovec

Bogomir (Miro) Vrhovec: is a research engineer at  the Department for Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics at Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has worked for 10 years at the R&D Department  of Iskra Automation Division,  developing electronic parts of protective devices for electric power lines and transformers. At the Josef Stefan Institute he has been involved in several robotic and factory automation projects. Together with Prof. Igor Mekjavic and others he has developed a family of thermal sweating manikins including foot, hand, head and torso manikins and a flame manikin. He has been in charge of technical support for all physiological studies, including bedrest studies. He can manage impossible tasks immediatelly, but making wonders takes a bit longer.

Miro is enthusiastic sportsman, his favourite sports are tour skiing, mountaneering, running and windsurfing.