Shawnda Morrison

Shawnda Morrison, Ph.D., CEP, is a Research Associate with the Jožef Stefan Institute and Research Fellow with the University of British Columbia Okanagan.  She is a cardiovascular and environmental physiologist who has previously investigated the effects of passive hyperthermia on force and muscle function, precooling on athletic performance, and compression garments on orthostatic tolerance.  More recently, she lead the Canadian cardiovascular team on location in MEDES Toulouse, France for an ESA short-term bedrest study in 2010.  Dr. Morrison has been a member of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and the American College of Sports Medicine since 2001, and has publications in high-impact journals, including: Age, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, and Experimental Physiology. She is co-manager of PlanHab together with colleague Dr. Debevec. Her work has been sponsored by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, Otago Medical Research Foundation (New Zealand) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.