18/11/2013 18:07
Veronika-OŠ Poljane, 5.b razred.pdf (1596925)
15/01/2013 00:00
Professor Igor B. Mekjavič, from the Istitute Jozef Stefan, has immense knowledge about the effects of cold and hot conditions, air pressure, low oxygen and reduced gravity on the human body. As the coordinator of The PlanHab Project in Planica, he places Slovenia on the map of space medicine...
04/11/2012 22:11
A most unusual mission in Planica, Slovenia, with its exploration of combination of microgravity/weightlessness and hypoxia, has provoked big interest in scientific and military circles around the world.
0411MAGA1042ACOFM-1.pdf (2,3 MB)
0411MAGA1043ACOFM-1.pdf (2,2 MB)
21/10/2012 22:15
Slovenia could profit from the unique scientific laboratory where scientists investigate the combined effects of hypoxia and sustained recumbency (bedrest) on human physiological systems.
Planica_Nedelo_21-10-2012_1.pdf (300,2 kB)
Planica_Nedelo_21-10-2012_2.pdf (233,1 kB)
10/10/2012 22:49
D 43 Advisory Committee Meeting.docx (831130)
19/09/2012 08:53
D1 Subject recruitement.docx (4409404)
16/09/2012 21:57
PlanHab website (www.planhab.webnode.com) posted.
16/09/2012 20:21
D 38-Dissemination Plan.docx (100201)
16/09/2012 14:46
In the MEMBERS ONLY section (under Capaign schedules) we have posted the preliminary time schedule for the first campaign. This is now being finalised to include ALL subjects by September 20, 2012. The present schedule is for two subjects only, so that it is easier to see the daily tasks.
16/09/2012 14:13
Contact: gorazdsuhadolnik@gmail.com